An endless queue, I went for 3 days to get a service, the first day came late, waited, did not wait for the queue, the second day came a little earlier and sat waiting all day, also did not wait for the queue, it turned out that the electronic queue was working incorrectly, on the third day I came at 6 a.m., there were people with a list sheet in front of the entrance queues, there were more than 20 people on the list, it finally turned out to make documents
The room itself is large, a huge hall for people with benches, in a small place there are about 15 places with windows, but only 6-7 people working, instead of occupying the whole room with windows, they occupied benches, where everyone is sitting, sweating, screaming children, talking in different languages, making noise
They work better now than before. And they are doing the right thing. The data is recorded in the database. It will be easier later. The staff is nice and polite.