Пошив руля (обтяжка руля) для BMW 3 e90.
Подбор материала у нас по месту.
г.Минск, Проезд Масюковщина 10, гск рыцарь. https://www.d2.by/contacts
Рабочее время с 9 до 18, кроме Вс.
Примеры работ тут https://www.d2.by/portfolio
*Окончательная стои...
160 Br1 pcs.
Изготовление анатомического руля
Изготовление анатомического руля
*Окончательная стоимость после осмотра мастером.
In the summer of 24, I applied to this company to trim the steering wheel.
The administrator immediately warned me that the steering wheel would be sheathed along the main skin so as not to damage the heated steering wheel.
The trouble began with the fact that the master who removed the steering wheel, the bolt on the steering wheel began to twist in the other direction and put so much effort into it that he simply tore off the bolt, the result was sawing out the bolt. Everything seemed to end well here, after the guys from this workshop gave me a new bolt.
Because it was summer outside, I didn't even think to check the heated steering wheel.
All the troubles began in November 24, when it got cold, it turns out that when this master removed the steering wheel for me, or connected it back, he damaged my shifka, which when connected is responsible for the temperature sensor, the result is that the steering wheel must be completely heated again.
The result of this message is this: when you go to them, check everything so as not to get in like me.
I hope that the employees of this company will see my message and show respect to solve this problem.
Thank you for your help!! No one took it, you are the only ones who responded. I needed to make an extra seat for my Honda Magna motorcycle. When contacting, they told everything, explained, and warned that the task was non-standard and they would not be able to do it quickly. I had no choice, I agreed, although I was afraid that I would miss the season. I was patient and waited for the finished result, in just 1 month, and this is in the summer, in the season! Thank you so much for not leaving me with my problem / desire, I'm getting high from the work I've done and I don't regret a bit that I turned to professionals in my field who can bring any fantasy to life)))
I want to thank the D2 Tuning Studio for the high-quality work done on replacing and gluing the ceiling in my Passat CC. The reality of the result exceeded my expectations. If you want a high-quality result, please contact us here!!!