Диагностика автомобиля с использованием дымогенератора
1 pcs.Диагностика автомобиля с использованием дымогенератора — это метод обнаружения утечек воздуха, выхлопных газов и других скрытых проблем в системе впуска и выпуска автомобиля. Дымогенератор подает под давлением густой дым позволяя выявить утечки
I did not put five, because there are many specialists there, but I will write only about electrics. A good special electrician, his name is Alexander, helped me and advised me, although he went to many, and he managed to correct the mistake. So you can go to him with this, you have already helped more than one... Learn about the rest, turbines and other things from other people who were repaired there.
It doesn't blow well. Overblowing is underblowing. Something turned sour in the turbines. This way for you. The best. Alexander is a good diagnostician.