Several locations, including an ethno with yurts and extended access to all services (sun beds, mushrooms, barbecue area,shower, etc.)Good service , fenced off from the rest of the territory,parking next to the yurts.The price is appropriate .There are two more zones nearby on a common basis, but the infrastructure is almost the same, only without yurts and additional services from the staff.The salting itself is gorgeous, shallow, safe with children, because the depth and width of the coastal zone allows parents not to worry too much.Inexpensive, cool and healthy kind of summer entertainment.The dirt is mostly black, there is little blue
A place to relax, boost strength and health is not bad, the salty Lake cures, they say, all diseases, but there is no service. However, 3,000 tenges were asked to pay for the gazebo, although 2,000 were paid for entry.