My friend and I went to a cafe. Administrator Makpal did not let us go there. And all the waiters refused to take our order.It was my first time walking.If the hostess is reading, please hire more calm and hospitable Administrators. Otherwise, you will lose customers. I couldn't get in touch with you that day.She was rude to us, I don't even know why.
I do not advise it, there is always a fight and a fight. The kitchen is fine, the music is fine, the person is rude, the atmosphere is so-so.. Hookah is fine. But I'm not naked anymore.
Салат пересолёный, заказывали баранину подали окорочка, официантка была грубая, Зав.залом даже не представилась. Музыка отличная. Остальное ужасное. Никогда больше не пойду туда и друзьям не посоветую.