check-in and check-out bad pistols leak each column does not fill 200-300 grams per 20 liters of fuel from different manufacturers are mixed in containers all containers have not been preventive and have not been cleaned for many years the storage of petroleum products is conducted in violation of fire safety fire extinguishers are expired there is no push button there is no police and fire alarm there is no toilet for customers at night there is no one to refuel the car top left is not very good quality
See original
Anonymous review
January 23, 2016
Nothing has changed in a year of time! ka was a mess on the oil and remained! top left is heavy , constant underflows , pistols both flowed and flowed, operators both twisted with coupons and statements as they cashed out and cashed out at night there is no one to fill up the assistant, and operators are sleeping and Kovalchuk and Goncharuk lick the profit went all the way.