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+375 (29) 651-37-74 (А1 Вайбер)
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Частное предприятие "Умань" г. Минск.
Труба б.у стальная круглая (столбики для забора) со склада в Минске: для строитель...
5.5 Br1 m
Электромонтажные работ ы
Услуги электрика. Электромонтажные работы. Электрик дом.
I have been contacting CHUP Uman for a long time and many times, the guys are always polite, competently and accurately do their job. Now we have done an electricity supply project and connected a house in the village. Apparently SARAH got up on the wrong foot and wrote such a bad review about this company.
I applied for the transfer of sockets in a new building, 10 sockets and a switch, they moved it, they did not connect it, because after the tiler worked.The contract is that Victor will drive up, this is an electrician (of this company) and connect it to e.I paid for the entire amount of work!As a result, Victor did not come later, no one from the management gets in touch!!!As soon as 5 sockets have been installed, they do not work at all!!!The wires are not so tight!!!