Everything is stable in this store. At 18-19 hours, people leave work, and there is only one cash register in the store. Two self-service cash registers don't help much - the scales on one are regularly buggy, and it's logical that those with energy drinks/alcohol will have to call an employee. But at the smoking room of the administrator (I don't remember the full name, but now a blonde with wavy hair) you can meet regularly.
There are no complaints about the goods. Almost. An ordinary store where you can go for tea / coffee, milk (which will not always be fresh, but is on the verge of expiration quite often).
I would like to see competent management in this store somehow. Because little has changed in the last ten years, except for the migration from Smart Choices to Neighbors and back.
Everything that needs to be eaten does not happen better. I go with the children very happy. The children are also happy with a lot of delicious and useful things for a growing baby.