Excellent university with good repair. There are many cafes and a dining room on the territory, where they will feed you deliciously. The quality of education is also excellent, I studied at the Department of Economics and Management and I want to note the professionalism of the teaching staff. The educational process is quite interesting, the seminars were lively, they dealt with many economic problems from the real activities of enterprises. The university hosts a large number of different events, so you can find activity to your liking
a good, but not ideal, educational institution. There is a dining room with affordable prices. The attitude towards students is adequate. Problematic issues were quickly resolved through appeals to the dean's office
Fierce trash. They demand a lot, give little. The teaching staff is 50/50. They don't give you a dorm. The dining room is good, the Dean's office is polite. But the very quality of education is so-so.