I ordered several planters from you for the arrangement of the site .I want to express my admiration for your products and the process of working with the client!
The planters have survived the winter and they are in perfect condition, although initially there were some doubts…
Planters are made of very high quality, and the choice of shapes and colors is a delight! Everything is very thought out!
Last week I made an order for benches for the home terrace , I am looking forward to their delivery 😍
I have never met worse suppliers during the entire construction period!
The order was overdue, instead of the promised 20 working days, 50 have already passed... and the order was never delivered.
They themselves will not even deign to dial or at least write that they are being detained. They tell some fairy tales about production technology and so on... They make a fool of the client, while the prepayment is 100%.
I do not recommend it!