I want to leave my feedback too 🙃
You can't keep quiet about this 🤩
I am very grateful to myself that I did not fall for comments and banter, like - what kind of GIFT is this? Are you out of your mind?
This summer I gave my son intensive Financial literacy for 12 years 🤞
Well, first of all, the child liked to attend classes in autumn, did not shirk, did not skip 🙃
The parish came when school started 🏫
One day, a child came up and asked if I knew why he was learning so well...
The answer pleased and impressed)
He decided that he wants to become an IT specialist, go into MLM and open his own business!!!
For this you need to be smart 😁
This is entirely the merit of the Financial Literacy intensive!!!
Many THANKS to Olga for the organization!
And also THANKS to the teacher for the correct presentation, the ability to find an approach and interest 🥰
Many thanks to the organizers and teachers of the school for a serious program and a professional approach! 1.5 hours of classes are held light, without fatigue and tension. There is no such course as "Emotional Intelligence" anywhere else, absolutely everyone needs it, especially children in adolescence. The understanding of various emotions and ways of reacting to them are practiced in a playful way.
This is the base that is needed above all, even more than school knowledge.
Many thanks to teacher Irina for interesting and productive classes, as well as for thematic quests!
My son attended two trial classes at the Successful Generation children's business school - I am learning to study and financial literacy. And he really liked both classes. I initially thought that 1.5 hours of class is a lot and the child will get bored, but he comes back from class with burning eyes and full of delight. Classes are very intense, full and measured, children
receive useful information, communicate, develop and fully immerse themselves in the process. It was even difficult for us to make a choice on which class to go to in the end: we have chosen a course on financial literacy so far, because we believe that children from childhood should understand where money comes from, how to handle it, and the like. Thank you very much to Olga for opening up such wonderful opportunities for our children.
I would like to say a huge thank you that we have a place in our city where a child who enters adolescence can learn to better understand himself and others, learn to manage his emotions (this is very important at this time), learn how to build relationships with people correctly.
We are only at the beginning of the journey, but already I see with what burning eyes she goes there and with what a storm of positive emotions she returns back.