I do not advise anyone to come to this church. Maybe the priest there is not bad, but the parishioners and the mother sitting at the candle sale are not people with God in their hearts, they are people with the devil in their souls. Angry, indifferent, intemperate and aggressive. And if the church is the temple of God, and there should be no division of people into their own and others, before God all people are their own, and so it is all over the world, both in the pro-Orthodox and Catholic churches. Then the parishioners and acolytes of this church hiss and make remarks to those who enter the church for any reason, push them away in front of icons, insult, brand and humiliate those who come with vile assumptions. My mother refused to sell candles at all, made an evil grimace and ignored questions and requests.
I felt like I was in this church among angry monsters and zombies, ready to tear apart anyone who is not with them, i.e. is not a regular parishioner of this church. She left here with a heavy heart and horror in her soul, because she met such an evil sewer in the temple of God! But I came here with pain in my soul, but relief did not come, an even worse state came after communicating with this aggressive group of people. This church is from Satan, not from God! Such evil and aggression cannot be under the shadow of God!