Пирожное в виде мороженного! Нежный сливочный мусс на белом шоколаде без сахара с хрустящими кусочками темного шоколада и сочной вишней, в вафельном стаканчике под шоколадной глазурью без сахара.
12 Br1 pcs.
Пирожное «Мистер Картошка»
Классическая «Картошка» в новом исполнении — выполнена в виде симпатичного эскимо и покрыта глазурью на основе белого шоколада.
5 Br1 pcs.
Пирожное «Творожный зайка»
Идеальный десерт для малышей и не только! Нежное творожное желе с минимальным
содержанием сахара и яркой черничной начинкой.
I'm correcting the review, because the place is getting better and better! The coffee is delicious (this is an important question for me). There is an atmosphere that we like to be in as a family. There are games, books, and calm lighting (I would say that in general the atmosphere is calm, and it's nice). Large windows and comfortable sofas and armchairs. Adequate prices for desserts and a large selection of them.
Beautiful presentation, dishes, high-quality children's toys, beautiful interior. A really good level.
Special thanks for the children's corner.
Wonderful desserts, very tasty meringue roll.
I try to eat low-calorie desserts, which is very nice, they are available in this place and you can't even say that they are sugar-free. The atmosphere of the cafe is favorable, there were 2 times and the bass player of the girl and one and the second, very friendly. They will tell you what is delicious and what kind of tea they have available.
I wish you continued prosperity and more healthy desserts on the menu.
Hello, I'm sooo glad that we were a guest at the coffee shop, and I was without a doubt! A new special place 🤫 Healthy and delicious breakfasts! Desserts are sooo fresh, delicious, very much and simply delicious 🥳 Coffee ☕️ But the most interesting thing for me was chicory on banana milk 💋 One delight!
We are eternally grateful to Anastasia for her hospitality and wish her prosperity. 💜💜💜💜💜
And we are sooo grateful to Alexandra Barista for the ease of communication, warm welcome, and excellent knowledge of her desserts 💜💜💜💜💜