There will be no comments on the quality of the products.
But the quality of the sellers' service leaves much to be desired. I came for a purchase at 19.00 (working hours of the store until 20.00) after work and asked to sell poultry feed, to which I received a stunning boorish response from the seller: "Couldn't you come for a purchase even later???".We do not release products from the warehouse at such a time."And only after I strongly demanded that the seller serve me during his working hours, I was very dissatisfied with the phrase "Too smart went... "we sold the product.I would like my feedback not to be ignored, especially by the management of the organization and certain measures were taken to influence the so-called "trade workers" of the Vasilina store to further improve the quality of service.By the way, it's not the first time I've heard discontent from this seller when she needs to go to the warehouse and release products, as if she doesn't get paid for it.And you often have to load bags with purchased products yourself.But we're not proud of anything.After all, we need food for our poultry."
The service in the store is at the "highest level".The quality of service is far from you all.We hope that something will change for the better.But I'm unlikely to come to this store in the near future.