The seller can be represented as a huckster in the market. You need to show the money first, only then it is interesting to pay attention to her. But even here it turns out that she can't really explain the difference in goods, except for the learned terms.
Very good service, my wife and I liked everything. We smoked a mattress, they helped us, explained everything, even gave us the opportunity to lie down, try different types of stiffness. The mattress was purchased, we use it, one of the best purchases in a lifetime. I advise you all, people, do not spare money for a high-quality mattress!!! It's a third of life, sleep, we sleep eight hours a day, so why not do it at the highest quality, it's your health!
I ordered a pillow on the website , I paid for it online through the store's shopping cart, checked that I was familiar with the delivery condition)))), and then the store operator calls and informs me that I can pick up the goods myself from the store tomorrow or wait 10 days for delivery... Minsk is indicated on the website, subject to availability for up to 3 days.
If I hadn't paid online, I would have refused right away, and since they are suffering with refunds, I will wait 10 days.
I rate only for the service, because at least the product used to be of high quality.