Маска лицевая прямоугольная хлопковая двухслойная нестерильная.
Стоимость указана для галочки (не правильная), но отличается она не сильно) уточняйте по телефонам во кладке адреса
1 Br
Маска арт.424
Маска лицевая полукруглая хлопковая нестерильная
Стоимость указана для галочки (не правильная), но отличается она не сильно) уточняйте по телефонам во вкладке адреса
1 Br
Маска арт.425
Маска лицевая прямоугольная однослойная хлопковая нестерильная
Стоимость указана для галочки (не правильная), но отличается она не сильно), уточняйте по телефонам во кладке адреса.
I needed underwear, I couldn't buy it anywhere, I came to the verally Partizansky 150a store, very nice sellers prompted and offered everything. Thanks
I love this particular brand of underwear. I've been wearing it for years and I always buy this underwear. Especially bras. But there is a very unpleasant seller in this store. She is not young, but she was very rude to me when visiting the store. After I chose several products for fitting, I went to the fitting room, but they did not fit me and I wanted to pick up something else, then this seller staged a performance in the middle of the store: loudly enough, she took the products that did not fit me, which I carefully hung on hangers, screaming "what are you Have you typed here?""what do you choose?", "why don't you ask?" "Why did you take 2 sizes or don't you know your size?""what are you looking for, this won't do for you!?" "What do you want to buy here?" I was trying on just 3 units of goods and did not understand this performance. There were people in the store and it was unpleasant for me to be in the middle of this action. I know my size perfectly well. And I came to the store to choose and buy what I like, and not to listen to outright rudeness. Sorry. I will not go to this particular store in MOMO shopping center anymore. A very unpleasant salesman.
I join the comments of the girls from below.
Customer orientation and politeness are completely absent from this female consultant, unfortunately I went to this store to pick up a bra / swimsuit. When asked if you have a bra of a certain size, the answer was thrown to me: "Girl! We have everything according to models..."
After that, I decided to leave... and all I had in my head was "customer orientation is not our strong suit."