A number was posted on the site where you can contact the company. As a representative of a legal entity, it was necessary for me to make a large order for the supply of the drug Doramekpharm. After talking with the secretary, I was switched to the "right" person. Well, when I tried to introduce myself, I was interrupted by the phrase "we don't need anything.".. That's right, I need this product, it's necessary for my organization. I asked the person on the other side of the line to introduce himself. An irritated voice growled "Oksana" and hung up.
I was recommended the products of this company, but it will not work out to evaluate the quality and cost (I was afraid that the next time I called I would be sent somewhere).Maybe these are corporate values, I don't know. I can only recommend that the management develop a website where it will not be necessary to communicate with such "friendly" staff.