Садовая беседка-качели "Премиум" с металлическим столиком впишется в любой дизайн садового участка. Это полноценные 4-х местные качели с длиной сидения 2 м. Наполнитель мягких кресел - материал Холкон, который изготавливается из экологически чисты...
2160 Br1 pcs.
Столик кофейный Holiday Ratt 77x58см
Поверхность имитирует ротанговое плетение.
Столик изготовлено из высококачественного полипропиленового сырья с высокой гибкостью, мягкой текстурой, на 100% пригодного для вторичной переработки и армированного добавкой стекловолокна.
Столик кофей...
267 Br1 pcs.
Стул Holiday Eko
Стул Holiday Eko HK-510
Размеры (Д х Ш х В): 56 х 51 х 90 см
Материал: Полипропилен
Масса нетто: 5,7 кг
Масса брутто: 5,8 кг
Поверхность стула имитирует текстуру дерева.
Стул Holiday Eko подходит для любых погодных условий и может безо...
78 Br1 pcs.
Чехол укрытие для садовых качелей 2.2 метра
Чехол-укрытие обеспечивает сохранность швейных изделий зимой и летом. Он защищает их от дождя, солнца и снега. Чтобы каждый вечер не убирать все подушки домой, легче накрыть качели чехлом. По бокам передней стенки вшиты два замка-молнии, позволяющ...
Extremely irresponsible people. This is the first time I've encountered such things. I ordered the goods, they promised to bring them on Wednesday before 21.00, no one brought anything. I sat and waited. I'm calling at the office, asking what's with my order. It wasn't delivered to me. I hardly found him at the other end of the wire, then he asks, so what didn't they bring? Why would I call then? I'll call you back. I've been waiting for an hour and a half, no one is calling. I'm dialing again. He can hardly figure out who is calling him and why. When it gets through the bacchus vapors left over from yesterday, it finally answers that they say there is no stock. He just doesn't give a damn about my arguments that I took the day off, hired people to mow the site! In response to my attempts to explain to him that cultured people are calling, warning that the goods are missing, he tried to open his mouth and shut me up with a shout. When it didn't work out, he just hung up. No apologies. That's it. The conclusion is that the site sells something that is not available. After you place an order, the employees of Horns and Hooves start calling suppliers. If I find it, they won't find the product, it's a lottery. And certainly no one will inform you. Therefore, think carefully before contacting this office.
An irresponsible campaign! Judging by the reviews below, not delivering the goods and ignoring the customers is the norm for you! It's a pity that I didn't bother to read them in advance.
After all, even if you have been won back by order, it is not a fact that they will deliver... We ordered a cocoon chair with delivery in the Republic of Belarus. It was issued on Monday. The manager called back immediately, made a couple of clarifications to the order and agreed that delivery would be to our area on Thursday or Saturday. A week has passed - no delivery, no call to reschedule it. I decided to dial it myself and remind you about the order. After a long wait, a young man picked up the phone, promising to find out and call back as soon as he clarifies. So the second day went by and "no greetings, no answer."
Fellow managers from Sharashkin's Vip Garden office, is it really so difficult to cancel or reschedule an order, huh? No one will eat you for this! No, that's not it, anything happens. After all, as a result, we waited for the chair, which was a gift, for a whole week in vain, but we could have ordered it from another store a long time ago.
I placed an order for the beds. The manager called and said that some components would be delivered the day after tomorrow. We agreed that they will deliver as soon as there is a complete set of the order.
There was no call from the manager for several days. I requested the order status in the chat on the website. There was no response. A couple of days later, I called the numbers listed on the website. There was no response. A couple of days later, I called again. One number was disconnected, the other was answered, they asked for the order number and promised that the manager would contact me soon. It's been a week since that call. Silence.
And if there was an online payment? Where would you look for them?