Все виды анализов крови, мочи, иммунологические исследования, определение онкомаркеров и гормонов, бактериологические исследования на флору и чувствительность к антибиотикам биологического материала
10 Br
Рентгенологические исследования
Органов грудной полости, органов желудочно-кишечного тракта, костей скелета, мочевыводящей системы, молочных желeз.
Оказание услуг производится без предварительной записи
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Рентгенкомпьютерная диагностика
Головного мозга, лицевого черепа, шеи, органов грудной полости, брюшной полости, малого таза, позвоночника и других костей скелета.
Запись на исследования производится ежедневно кроме выходных и праздничных дней.
We would like to express our gratitude to Mikhail Sergeevich Tyutinov, he is a high-level specialist, very polite, kind, responsive, attentive, which is an important feature for a real doctor!!! A doctor should not only be a professional in his medical field, but also, first of all, he should be an understanding person. Mikhail Sergeevich fully delves into the patient's problem, listens to all the details, gives useful advice that helps not only physically, but also mentally. You want to come to him for an appointment, even if nothing bothers you. Mikhail Sergeevich is a young, modern and very promising doctor. " Low bow " for the human, kind attitude, for the treatment and good results. And of course for the positive .
With great respect, the Barefoot family
I would like to express my deep gratitude and appreciation to Andrey Prokoshin, an oncologist, for his professionalism, sensitivity, and attentiveness. I would also like to express my gratitude to the entire general oncology department, represented by the head of the department, the head nurse, all the doctors, and the anesthesiologist. I would like to thank all the medical staff for their sensitivity and professionalism.
Many thanks to you, Andrey Vladislavovich, for the high-quality treatment, for the professional approach, for the help. I bow low to you. Thanks for the treatment. Shevtsova Irina Mikhailovna Vitebsk
I would like to express my deep gratitude to the oncologist Andrey Prokoshin for his professionalism and sensitive attitude., as well as thanks to the anastasiologist of the Department of General Oncology and all the medical staff. Thanks for the treatment. Kaplan T. L.