Кресла серии MAROON - еще один пример удачного дизайна, который прекрасно впишется в любой интерьер. Покрытие из полиуретана, мягкое и приятное на ощупь, имеет высокий класс износостойкости и не боится случайных повреждений. Внутренний наполнитель...
199990 ₸
Игровое компьютерное кресло VMMGAME THRONE
Игровые кресла серии THRONE — это прекрасное решение для людей, которые ищут недорогое и при этом качественное кресло для длительной работы за компьютером.
Кресла имеют удобные мягкие подлокотники из экокожи. Поясничная и шейная подушки помогают ...
119990 ₸
Игровой компьютерный стол VMMGAME SPACE
Игровой компьютерный стол VMMGAME SPACE — это удобное пространство для работы и развлечений!
Модель SPACE 140 имеет увеличенную длину столешницы для большей вместительности! Можно с легкостью разместить 2 широкоугольных монитора.
Стол изготовлен...
69990 ₸
Игровой компьютерный стол VMMGAME ONE
Игровой компьютерный стол VMMGAME ONE — это компактное и оптимальное по вместительности решение для небольшой комнаты или помещения с ограниченным пространством для игрового/рабочего места. Благодаря эргономичной форме столешницы и внушительной гл...
59990 ₸
Игровой cтол с подъемным подстольем VMMGAME WIZARD
Крутой дизайн, регулируемое по высоте подстолье, «карбоновая» и «металлическая» столешница – это всё и даже больше в нашей новинке! Геймерский стол VMMGAME WIZARD с электрической регулировкой высоты. Почему WIZARD? У нашего стола поднимается и опу...
229990 ₸
Игровое компьютерное кресло VMMGAME ASTRAL
Игровые компьютерные кресла серии ASTRAL идеально подойдут как для работы, так и для развлечений. Кресла изготовлены из высококачественной эко-кожи, которая прекрасно сохраняет свой внешний вид при активной эксплуатации. Внутренний каркас разработ...
Awesome table for Gamers, cool design, in white especially 🙂, easy to assemble and with a single phillips screwdriver 🪛
Packaging also matters (Inspires confidence) to the product!
I am writing a review half a year after buying a table and an armchair.
And so, let's start with the table (SPACE 120):
I have been looking for a long time for a table to buy for comfortable work on a laptop, so that there would be a lot of space both ON the table and UNDER the table (so that I could stretch my legs somewhere), I came across the SPACE 120 table. I read the reviews, looked at the reviews on YouTube and decided to take it as a result - I do not regret the purchase. I arrived a couple of days later, the assembly took at most 40 minutes. Of the advantages, I can say that the table is quite spacious, there are two holes on the sides of the table for wires (if you do not need them, you can close them with special things that come with the table). You can also hang your headphones on the side of the table so that they don't get in the way). I haven't found any cons yet, if I do, I'll definitely write here)
Now let's talk about the ASTRAL chair:
This is probably my best purchase in the last year, and I'm not exaggerating. For a very long time there was an ordinary office chair, nothing unusual, but last year problems with the lower back began, as the office chair kept my back in tension all the time. In September, for his birthday, he decided to purchase an armchair from the same brand as the table. My God, how could I not have made a mistake in my choice, the chair is just a fire!
Firstly, I was very afraid that it would not fit in height, because my height is 190. I called the sellers from my city, consulted, and after a couple of days of careful comparisons and reviews (YouTube, VK, etc.) decided to take an ASTRAL chair. Since the chair with exactly the colors that I wanted was not in our city, I waited a week until it arrived from Russia.
The assembly took about an hour, because it was a little hard to assemble the backrest with a saddle (it's better to do it together, it will be much easier).
Of the advantages, I can say:
+ Very comfortable, nice to sit, nothing gets numb
+ Two pads are included, one for the lower back, the other for the neck (can be removed if desired)
+ height adjustment of the chair
+ armrest adjustment both in height and left/right
+ padded armrests
+ the backrest reclines so that you can lie in the chair + a special function that allows you to swing on it.
+ after 6 months of sitting in the chair for at least 2-3 hours every day, the seat has not lost its appearance, a hole has not appeared. this IS A HUGE PLUS.
Of the cons:
- after a couple of months, there was a creak, if you lubricate the chair, everything will be great again
- sometimes the backrest adjustment knob jams.
- it was quite difficult to assemble the entire chair by myself
In general, I did not regret buying an armchair at all, even my mother likes to sit in an armchair while I am away)
Now I will tell you a little about the rug and the chair cover:
After buying the table, I saw in the VK group VMMGAME that you can participate in monthly contests if you have their products. (a piece of paper with a contest + conditions and a VK group goes immediately with each product that I bought)
I did everything necessary to participate, and in my first competition I won a mat (True mat). The rug is large, comfortable, and I liked the design.
I took the cape because it was very hot in autumn, it saved both me and the chair. I often sweated, and thanks to PONCHO COAL I forgot what it was like to sweat while sitting at a laptop) Very nice fabric, you sit and get high.
I live in Kazakhstan, Fedor (Almaty) kept in touch with me all the time. Raise his PO!!!! A man from God, made contact, kept informed, if there were any problems, he helped immediately! The delivery was right up to the entrance + when I took the chair there was a discount, since I took it for my birthday. when there was a problem with the chair, I came and fixed it. Special thanks to him, this is the first time I've seen such a level of tech.support.
In conclusion, I want to say that I did not regret buying in VMMGAME at all, I wrote a lot of pros, but this does not mean that there are no cons, perhaps I have not noticed them yet) (If there are any disadvantages, I will definitely write them)