Первичный прием врача-офтальмолога
Осмотр глазного дна с фундус-линзой
Эхоскопия «А» методом
70 Br
Лазерная коррекция зрения LASIK
«Золотой стандарт» рефракционной хирургии, эффективное восстановление зрения (стоимость услуги за 1 глаз при одномоментной лазерной операции на оба глаза).
900 Br
Удаление катаракты Comfort Vision
Факоэмульсификация с имплантацией асферичной монофокальной интраокулярной линзы.
(В стоимость услуги включен расчёт ИОЛ, кератотопография, дополнительная консультация хирурга, капли. Цена медицинской услуги указана за 1 глаз).
1100 Br
Первичный комплексный осмотр для пенсионеров
Первичный прием врача-офтальмолога
Осмотр глазного дна с фундус-линзой
Эхоскопия «А» методом
Good afternoon! I read a lot of reviews before I had a vision correction, now I am writing about a wonderful clinic in Gomel, a dream has come true, which I could not even dream of, because I did not think that I would decide on surgery, like many..I was afraid ! I want to dispel all fears, doubts, just trust the professionals of your business , 10 minutes and after 3 hours you will be able to see in the distance what you have not seen for many years, by 22 00 the turbidity / fog will pass. The method was determined by the 3D Custom Green doctor , this is the best, the operation was performed by Olga Mikhailovna Dolgoshey from Minsk , thank you very much 🤍
Excellent clinic. Thanks to the doctors, excellent specialists. The staff is very polite and friendly. We made a vision correction with diagnosis in one day. The operation itself is painless. After the operation, you could immediately look in sunglasses. No long-term recovery- 5 minutes and you are sighted, and most importantly without pain and anesthesia. Anyone who thinks - I recommend 100%
It's disgusting, they don't give proper eye health consultations, they didn't even write out a prescription for lenses or glasses, Dr. Novichkova should learn how to communicate with patients, even when talking about her eyesight problem, the doctor didn't care about the problem, after the appointment I left very upset, immediately upon leaving I was pulled to the reception for the purpose of recording for correction. You can't shock people like that. Even after a second consultation, the diagnosis was not made, and the prescription for optics was not correct. I don't recommend using the word at all. Fortunately, there are professional ophthalmologists in other centers whose competence is beyond doubt. The vocation of a doctor is to help a patient, here you will not get it, the purpose of the center is only surgery, and it does not matter if you can do it or not. The prescription for optics, which was issued at this clinic after consultation with the head, did not correspond to reality, did not even correspond to any of the prescriptions that were issued at other centers, although the examination took place a short time after the VOC. When contacting, there were complaints of a certain nature, there was not even a dialogue. The response of the center's administration is not truthful.