He is not her first and not the only one. The lighthouse near Odessa. But the main one. The port one. Vorontsov. The port grew, Odessa grew, the lighthouse was rebuilt; once during the war it was destroyed - forced by the defenders of the city. And each time he became more perfect.
Valentin Kataev (about the lighthouse at the very beginning of the 20th century): * On the right and left, the lighthouses, brightly illuminated by the January sun, were white — one port, the other Bolshefontansky. Our sharply white harbor lighthouse, a snow-white harbor lighthouse with a copper bell.
The snow-white hull of the port lighthouse, which had the shape of a somewhat elongated bell, was crystal reflected in the waves*.
The current one, recreated in the mid-1950s, has become a symbol of peaceful life, well-being and contentment. The lighthouse is visible from the sea, the lighthouse is admired from the city. And what and how do the inhabitants of the lighthouse see?
For example, Ivan Tsikhovich, who joined the lighthouse as a radio operator in March 1956, almost died in a storm at the beginning of work - on January 1, 1957, he and a friend were washed off the pier by a wave, after he invented and mounted a remote signal switching system, became a supervisor, retired in June of this year. 65 years at the lighthouse. It's time for a well-deserved rest. The lighthouse is *working * on.