There are few competent and adequate sellers, moreover, besides not quite high-quality goods, they sell pal, prices bend for the whole product, I understand that it's good to live and do nothing, but here it's trash, i.e. they included all the risks and costs in the cost of his goods, so only you risk buying the goods are equal to them, as long as you have enough money and patience. Most importantly, there are many online sites where everyone runs because for the price of analogues and pali, they sell the original or a high-quality analog there, so when you come there you have no choice either pal or norms of goods at inflated prices, I go there only if now and here and so they do not need to get rid of themselves with his rudeness
The shopping center specializes in auto parts for both cars and trucks, there is also a furniture accessories boutique and a grocery department in the store. I recommend universal shopping center