They were sent here for urgent service, but served in a White puddle, which no one wanted and everyone was afraid of) This is a landfill from the Republic of Belarus. And you know what? I don't regret anything) Yes, it wasn't easy, it was hard in places, but only good memories remained, we still communicate with some colleagues) It's nice to remember funny stories and moments that were there with the guys) Officers, like people, we are all different, someone is better, someone is worse, but alive, healthy - and that's the main thing)
Minsk VIRTU (VIZRU) - years of study 1965 - 1970, 26 (32 preferential) years of service. For all the years of service, I am grateful to my native school, my classmates, teachers and personally Filatov NG, who directly and specifically took part in my military fate. The school of life, which gave the ability to build relationships with both superiors and subordinates, find the right solutions in any situation, and always be on top...
A place permeated through and through with Soviet dreams of an ideal society that exists only inside the same Soviet films. Complete despondency and a useless knowledge base in life, teachers with various degrees are kept for the sake of maintaining the status of the university, many of whom look more like lunatics. 4 years of study were similar in level to 2 years in vocational school, detachment from modern technologies due to "very top-secret military" secrets generally destroys consciousness, after graduation you go out into society lost, as after prison. And in case of termination of the contract, you pay the state amounts comparable to studying at Cambridge.