Мы используем лампы нового поколения с повышенным коэффициентом мощности, которые способствуют достижению равномерного, красивого и быстрого загара.
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Озонотерапия лица, тела и волос в Минске | ст.м. Парк Челюскинцев
Озонотерапия лица, тела и волос применяется для уменьшения жировых отложений в области живота, бёдер, талии , ягодиц, плечей, подбородка ( проблемная зона обкатывается озоном)
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Инъекционная косметология в Минске | ст.м. Парк Челюскинцев
Инъекционная косметология в Минске | ст.м. Парк Челюскинцев
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Прокол мочек ушей для детей и взрослых в Минске | ст.м. Парк Челюскинцев
В наличии широкий ассортимент гипоаллергенных серег. Процедура подходит как для взрослых, так и для самых маленьких (от 2-х месяцев).
Правильный и рeгулярный ухoд за мeстами прoкoла обеспечит быстрое заживление — от 3-х недель до месяца.
Криотерапия или криомассаж для волос — процедура, направленная на активацию восстановительных и обменных процессов кожи головы под воздействием низких температур. Процедура длится 5-10 минут. Курс лечения составляет 10-15 сеансов.
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Криодеструкция бородавок и высыпаний (криотерапия)
Криотерапия или криодеструкция в Минске — удаление доброкачественных новообразований кожи: бородавок, папилом, высыпаний, кератом. Главным достоинством этого метода является малая травматичность.
I'm not local, I don't know the city. There was a need to remove two moles in the jaw area. I went here because it was the closest to home. I didn't know about the medical cosmetology website or about the specialists, there was no one to ask. When I arrived, the doctor examined the desired formations for removal, asked where I was from. He announced the price of 80 rubles. for one deletion. I wondered why there were so many. I asked if this was all for it, meaning whether the cost includes admission, consultation, and the removal of the education itself. She asked how much it would be for two deletions. According to the doctor, the second removal also turned out to be 80 rubles. I was even more surprised why there was so much for two different moles, especially since they didn't give me a price list and it wasn't on the company's website. The desire to get rid of the hated moles was stronger at that time + the doctor evoked a certain degree of trust and respect, so I did not specify what exactly I was paying for and why the two prices were the same. I didn't ask for the price list either. I paid 160 rubles in advance and only after that the doctor performed the procedure. Of course, I do not mind money for it, especially for high-quality, and I do not seek to offend or offend anyone, but due to the fact that there was no price list with specific prices anywhere, no one told me what was included in the price, then I had a bad feeling that I paid more than I should, because that she was not local and did not download the client's rights from the doorstep. Therefore, 4 stars.
I used to do photo therapy and went to hard labor every time, but I have to do it anyway. The photo treatment was done here absolutely comfortably and in the evening I was already a beauty without swelling and redness. I recommend Diana Sergeevna as a good specialist. I gave a lot of good advice, thank you:)🌷 And the location of the center is great.