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28 Br1 h
Игровое время
В нашем клубе @vrgrodno.by представлено много игр виртуальной реальности
Надевая VR очки, вы погружаетесь в мир волшебства и магии, безграничных возможностей и фантастических существ. Внутри игры, грань с реальностью стирается.
28 Br1 h
Игровое время
В нашем клубе @vrgrodno.by представлено много игр виртуальной реальности
Надевая VR очки, вы погружаетесь в мир волшебства и магии, безграничных возможностей и фантастических существ. Внутри игры, грань с реальностью стирается
20 Br30 min
Игровое время
В нашем клубе @vrgrodno.by представлено много игр виртуальной реальности
Надевая VR очки, вы погружаетесь в мир волшебства и магии, безграничных возможностей и фантастических существ. Внутри игры, грань с реальностью стирается
Thank you so much for your work! Administrators are right in their place at 100 percent. I would like to put all 10 stars. It was the birthday of a 7-year-old child. We have found an approach to everyone. They told everyone everything, very calmly and meticulously. Even if the children were initially scared, they found an approach, explained, and chose games. And all the children were interested and very satisfied. It is right that you give sweets to children between games, they do not lose touch with reality and are not afraid. What else I REALLY liked is that the paid hour does not include the briefing time. Until everything is explained and understood by the children, time does not count. For this, add 5 more stars!!!!!
The place is just WOW))) cool games for any age. I always thought it was for kids, but it turns out there are games for adults too. Thank you guys, you are the best
The best VR I've ever been in. Compared to Teleport, Trinity is an ideal club. It is very suitable for a company to spend time together. A lot of games, it doesn't bother, computers are powerful and nothing lags)