I can't say anything bad about the store itself. but when contacting the buyer, the girl (seller)it is necessary to take training courses. When a customer asks about a particular product, you need to listen patiently and answer all the questions that arise, and not answer the buyer's address as it is difficult with you...I am expressing a personal opinion.But it seems to me that this seller needs to work elsewhere. I give 2 stars for the,,bazaar,, seller's behavior.
A great store, the sellers will always help! Buyers who behave like they do in the market get the same treatment. I've been going there for years, it's always nice to talk to the seller. Movers load the goods and this is a huge plus for the store.
A store with adequate prices. The assortment
is rather big, but not huge. For those who are building, it is a good way to save money. Sellers will help you make a choice, the guys will load heavy purchases. There are almost always parking spaces