Хотите подарить кому-нибудь очки на день рождения? Очки - это индивидуальная вещь, которая обязательно должна быть примерена перед покупкой, что не всегда удобно. Поэтому предлагаем приобрести вам подарочный сертификат WDL
They adjusted the frame to fit my face, it seemed to get better, I had to go on Monday, Saturday is the day off for the frame master. We also answered a couple of questions. For example, the photochrome technology in wdl is in bulk, rather than film, i.e. cheaper technology, darkens and brightens more slowly. The second film glasses will have to be searched elsewhere.
Excellent optics. Before that, 20 optics were bypassed and there was no metal frame and the classic shape without a fishing line. We did it quickly, I've been wearing it for more than two months, everything is fine.
Polite and competent staff, an excellent selection of frames and reasonable prices, did everything to speed up the production of glasses for a relative before his departure. Thank you very much.