ФИТНЕС & СПА КЛУБ «WELL B»- это современное пространство для спорта и отдыха: бассейн, джакузи, сауна и паровая баня, тренажёрный зал, групповые занятия и персональные тренировки, аква-фитнес и обучение плаванию, спа уходы за лицом и телом
I do not know why people give 5 points, apparently they did not go to the gym and were not in the closets.
I am writing only about the hall, the staff and the attitude towards customers on the 2nd floor.
The hall is terribly small, uncomfortable, narrow aisles, more than 5 people, and, in general, you will not study freely. Next is the wardrobe. I do not know how it is in women's, but in men's, there is a good old army rule to get dressed in 40 seconds, because, after about that time, you will start sweating again. The room is small, without any ventilation, 1 window, and that is always closed.Some of the girls at the reception are so incompetent that they just can't look up from the phone when customers leave and leave a pass. Security guard Anatoly (name judging by the comments below) this is just the height of cynicism, incompetence and other bad words. I have been in many halls, but that 10-15 minutes before the official closing they would come and brazenly expel me, arguing that "at 22.00 the room needs to be secured" is the finish line. In other halls, administrators even stayed for a few seconds after closing, if you don't have time, but here... Just make the official opening time until 21.45 and don't knock people's heads off. In general, I do not recommend it as a gym. Maybe the pool and other services are normal...
Gym review only
The gym is NOT WORTH your money, the room is very small, there is no large number of basic simulators, if more than 5 people are working at the same time, you will not normally do your workout in 1.5 hours, if you don't just smell the dumbbells and take a picture
And looking at the training sessions from the outside, it seems that there is really only one normal coach in the entire gym (but this is a purely subjective opinion from the outside), unfortunately I do not know his last name, the rest of them are engaged in physical therapy with their wards, apparently, many coaches, according to observations, do not even tell their wards what ethics is in the hall
The situation: there is an unassembled simulator, there is no one nearby, the loud question of whether someone is engaged in deathly silence, and as soon as you start to disassemble someone else's weight and put your own, a person with a trainer climbs out from somewhere and you are kicked out, and no one knows about working together on the same simulator or That's how they treat those who haven't bought a workout with a trainer.
I've never seen a trainer on duty all the time, which means that if you're a beginner or just saw the right simulator, but not the company you used to work with, and the question arises how to work on it so as not to break it (let alone injure yourself), no one will do anything for you. it will prompt you
You will learn about the price increase only immediately at the checkout, when you are already asked to pay at the terminal, the price tag, which, by the way, has become very close to the price of "adrenaline", and the service is below the baseboard.
If you read the reviews below, no one has solved the problem with shoe covers so far, with security and time, too, it's just annoying, 15 minutes before closing, the guard comes and starts kicking me out, to phrases that I will have time to finish the approach and leave the reaction is 0, he goes turns everything off and stands as a supervisor over the soul, and then also right under the door of the locker room he guards - this situation is permanent, periodically in the evening since the summer of this year I have been in this hall when there was no opportunity to drop into another one.
Of all the staff, there are no complaints only about the cleaners - wonderful women, they are the only ones who take care of your safety, at least on wet steps.
The more I walk, the less I want to be there.
If possible, it is better to choose another room.
Very cozy!) Pleasant atmosphere, warm water in the Jacuzzi, cooler in the pool. The guns are gentle. Someone comes to swim, someone to relax, or you can combine one with the other! I want to spend a little more time.