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90 Br1 h
Аренда микроавтобуса (с водителем) на 8 мест в Вильнюсе (Литва)
Пассажирские перевозки по Литве, Евросоюзу и в Беларусь:
- Трансферы в/из аэропорта Литвы, Латвии и Польши
- обслуживание экскурсий, шоппинг туров
- перевозки деловых делегаций
- перевозки детей и спортивных команд
- перевозки водителей-дальнобойщ...
I can't stand it anymore. The transportation of passengers on the St. Petersburg - Polotsk/Novopolotsk route is organized in the most eerie way. I am writing in the moment. We left St. Petersburg just half an hour ago. It hurt.
Every time in this direction, they give a miserable Mercedes 3400 minibus, in which so many seats were installed that one devil knows how a person sits in a seat behind the driver, since the distance there is good if there is 10 cm. Everyone wants to make money, but at the expense of passenger comfort, this is arrogance. The 2nd point is the absence of a luggage compartment. All the stuff is somehow crammed behind the last row of chairs. And instead of finally riding in normal transport, passengers should listen to the lectures of a sweet and humorous driver on the subject of the fact that we go back and forth with so many suitcases. Are you serious? I'm going to my parents in another country, not to barbecue outside the city.
And to explain these facts by the low cost of the ticket, I think, is baseness. Since you, dear owners of the Western Province, provide services, so render them well so that after an 8-hour journey, spinal curvature and nerve grounding do not happen to people. Raise the price by 500 rubles., but give a comfortable bus, as your competitors do. People are willing to pay! Respect and appreciate your customers. They, no matter what, bring you their money.
Non-comfortable shuttle buses for international transportation (in particular Novopolotsk- St. Petersburg) WITHOUT WI-FI and CHARGING CONNECTORS?
The dubovy shuttle bus is not a comfortable bus at all for such INTERNATIONAL crossings! Although representatives of the "western province" claim on the website that "Passenger transportation, our task is ..... to guarantee them ease of movement and security during the trip, comfortable passenger transportation." I am very sorry that this time my trip with your company begins with not providing comfortable travel!
And moreover, the minibus broke down before reaching 120 km to St. Petersburg. And the driver's inaction just surprised me. He said, "no one will take us away," people themselves began to take taxis and cooperate with 4 people in order to somehow get to the destination!
A round trip. The minibus is absolutely dead, there are no seat belts, no USB charging ports, the seats are very close, it is impossible to stretch your legs, and the trip, for a minute, is about ten hours. There is no air conditioning, aggressive driving style, in a tight space, is not the most comfortable. A very small trunk, my bag was "tamped down" so that things were thrown away, alas.