Ужасно( Объясню!
1. Очень шумно, не важно на каком Вы будете этаже. В 6 метрах от отеля- клуб. Всю ночь жёсткая долбёжка.
2. Завтрак- отстой. Он всегда один, не меняется. Дешёвые и некачественные продукты. Чуть сыра, оливок, яйцо..
3. Номера очень маленькие. На фото они другие!!
4. Круглосуточный запах никотина на всех этажах(( Очень неприятно((
5. Цена завышена сильно( Много более качественных мест рядом за более низкую цену.
Выбор за Вами. Но никому не советую!
It's terrible (I'll explain!
1. It's very noisy, no matter what floor you're on. There is a club 6 meters from the hotel. Hard slotting all night.
2. Breakfast sucks. He is always alone, he does not change. Cheap and low-quality products. A little cheese, olives, egg..
3. The rooms are very small. In the photo they are different!!
4. The smell of nicotine around the clock on all floors (( Very unpleasant((
5. The price is too high (There are many better places nearby for a lower price.
The choice is yours. But I don't advise anyone!
This is the worst hotel of all that I stayed in... my husband and I stayed there for 3 days and 3 nights... 2 days and 1 night, there was no hot water and the air conditioner did not work, and this is in the August heat of 30-32 degrees, the headboard is pile and stained, decorative pillows are stained. We took a room with a balcony, the balcony was dirty, the chair on the balcony was covered in street dust, the railing was shat by birds. It was disgusting to be in it. The website stated that the breakfast was a buffet, in fact plates with minimal dry rations of poor quality were given out. One of the co-owners of the hotel promised to refund part of the amount paid in the form of an apology for the above inconveniences, but did not do so. A dishonest man... I sincerely do not recommend this hotel.
All reviews are with 1 star, that's right.
I put one star, because you can't put 0.
Everything is terrible, a nasty aggressive guy on the counter who does not like claims. You show the number and the photo, he says, but the view is like in the photo. And the fact that the room is in terrible condition, it's okay.
The terrible number 22 of the square is written, in fact, not even 10.
Towels are flabby and leaky, mugs with lipstick. The walls are in the color of the hair, in the photo in the booking white walls. The toilet flushes in 3d space, down and up.
Music with bass! There is a club downstairs, music is playing until 4-5 in the morning, you can hear it all over the hotel, it is impossible to sleep.
The air conditioner does not work, barely blows and makes loud noises. I asked the evil guy from the counter to fix it, I came all emotional, this is how it should work. However, I wrote to WA later, now check it out and it blew out a little cold. It's tough, a southern guy, but he's not being friendly.
Breakfast in the photo, even for a snack is weak.
Bottom line: they tried to refuse completely, but the booking did not refund the money, agreed to pay for 1 day and they will cancel themselves at the booking. I do not recommend it!