Disgusting service, it's a pity that the human factor is completely absent ..., I understand everything: one on shift, a lot of people in the evening, but at 19h to say:I will not give the order, wait as long as you want until I accept the goods ..., and in general, I should have 3 breaks, etc..., I do not need this information ..., especially since I only needed to pick up children.They wanted to take the bottle with them on the road... Moreover, she voiced it to the employee that only 1 child.a bottle...It is sad that there is complete indifference ..., disappointed...
The service is not of the highest level. An alert has been received about the arrival of the product. When the employee came for him, he could not find a box of one of the goods, asked him to leave a phone number, explaining that he would be looking until the morning and would not be able to give the goods to the rest. As a result, the call was not received. The next day we arrived, our product has already been issued as a refund.