Everything is clear, before people ordered less, it was less crowded and it was good to receive parcels, then they began to order more, several booths for fitting were removed in the room, then they began to order even more and the booths were also removed. But not the point. There are enough booths, as well as people. Sometimes there is even a queue on the street, two young girls work there, they spread these queues in a couple of seconds, well done, there are no questions about them at all. There are just people who order devils that and consider it for half an hour. And so everything is normal. We always order there, we hope that another pick-up point will open and unload this one, so that it would be easier for employees and people not to queue like that. By the way they work from 10 to 21 without lunch
I liked the service specialist. He moves fast, but the work is still slow. It is more convenient for specialists on Borovki, because the computer is at hand. And here she has to run. The queues are small, which is nice. My opinion: we need a comfortable environment for a specialist, she does not have these conditions. And for us customers, everything is even very good.
The pick-up point is like a pick-up point. But during the season - like now, for example - it would be possible to have more employees, otherwise it would take a very long time to wait.