I was in the studio in October, had a pedicure, initially signed up for expert master Tanya, master Tanya does everything super well, no complaints, but the day before they called and said that they would accept top master Ainur and assured that the master was experienced and good, I believed in vain, I regret it terribly now, Ainur ruined my nail, removed the corners are very deep, the pedicure was wildly painful, as a result, my nail was damaged and now the problem is with it, they took the full cost of 9,000 thousand for the pedicure, then the owner of the studio contacted me, promised that they would help solve the problem, but they did not charge me 1000-1500 for installing a tamponade on the corner of the nail, but the amount for an unsuccessful pedicure they didn't return it, they didn't make a discount on subsequent procedures either, it's been 3 months, the situation hasn't improved, and now, as a result, the studio absolves itself of responsibility altogether, allegedly my nails are curling. Before that, I went to master Tanya and was satisfied, I recommended this studio to my friends and 2 people came on my recommendation, now I definitely do not recommend the studio, avoid it like fire, they will damage something and in the end no one in this studio will be able to help you
Also, they do not notify about price changes in advance during recording and there is no open information in the price list, guess for yourself how much the price for the service will be for you.
The salon starts with the administrator, so in this salon the most attentive and charming. I like my master, the record is complete for her anyway, so she doesn't need advertising. Pedicure chairs are incredibly comfortable.
I've been going here for a manicure for 5 months, I've been to different masters and all wonderful, golden hands! The coating is worn well, there are no chips.