The nature is beautiful, but there is not enough refinement: there are more beautiful neat benches, there are no paved paths at all, more garbage cans, at least one playground would be made and several recreation areas with canopies and a barbecue/barbecue area, then decent people would go there more often, and there would be fewer antisocial personalities.
A great place to relax!
Greenery among the urban jungle.
The garden is a bit wild...This is not a city park with lots of benches...but taking a plaid with you, there is always a place to escape from everyday problems ...
However, over the past 30 years, houses have been getting closer to the garden itself ...
But this has its advantages.
You can walk from Malinovka-4 to Sukharevo to the pharmacy or Euroopt to Marshal Losik...So far, only in dry weather.
There are projects for laying a highway to Rafiyev. We are really waiting for you!
A pleasant place, there are very old apple trees, there is a part of a mixed, not dense forest, the paths were expanded not so long ago, they were not paved, but this is excellent. The main thing is that people do not litter, otherwise a pleasant place to walk. In good weather, there are many companies on kebabs, but mostly everything is quiet and peaceful.
+ pleasant aroma, beauty, apples, fresh air, lots of picnic areas, there are garbage containers
- a high hill, there is no descent for a stroller, it's just inconvenient for mothers with children to come here for a walk
I recently visited the park of culture and recreation “Apple Orchard” and I want to share my impressions.
The first thing that struck me was the beauty of the park. There are many trees, flowers and greenery here, which creates an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility. Also in the park there are many different entertainments for children and adults, such as rides, playgrounds, cafes and restaurants.
The park staff is very friendly and ready to help in any situation. They are always ready to answer questions and give recommendations about entertainment and services in the park.
Prices for services and entertainment in the park are quite reasonable, which makes it accessible to all categories of visitors.
I definitely recommend the park of culture and recreation “Apple Orchard” for spending time with family and friends. Here everyone will find something to their liking and get a lot of positive emotions.
A great place, it's a pity that it's not landscaped and it's a pity that there is no approach from Marshal Losik Street. Considering the number of people walking and vacationing there, crashing down steep hills, bumps and gullies, and even moms with strollers, I consider it very popular. And for the district, which is located in the immediate vicinity of a new one still under construction and growing with new residents, this is just a breath of air, an outlet and a necessity among the high-rise buildings of Sukharevo. We sincerely believe in the speedy improvement of this territory and hope to be heard.
A pleasant place to walk with a friend (naturally observing all the rules) or with a child. There are gazebos. Cleanly neat. However, from Rafiev's side, the hum of cars from the road. But from Semenyako's side, Logic is very quiet and calm.
It's a strange place. Beautiful trees, including unusual apple trees, as if from some fabulous production; there are benches, including those installed directly between the trees, i.e. you can sit and relax, enjoy the greenery, but not the singing of birds. The forest is absolutely mute, as if there is not a single living inhabitant, which is very, very strange. And this, in fact, does not set you up for walking around this place.
The best place to cook barbecue and relax in nature... However, there are ticks (from spring to autumn) and even drinking alcohol is controlled by a police patrol.
Not an ordinary place, beautiful and mystical. It reminded me of walking down the road to Count Dracula's castle. The road and the gnarled, branching trees on the sides. A forest where werewolves roam and cultists burn bonfires. It's a cool, Gothic place. Especially if it's rainy or gray in the evening, when it's already getting dark.
A very good park for relaxing,walking with children, with dogs, there are places where you can sit down,read, sunbathe,walk in love and not only, just breathe the air, a good place for drawing, playing badminton, having a good time, for various outdoor activities!) It's just very unfortunate that an asphalt road will soon be laid through it, and perhaps such a beautiful place will be built up ...
People, take care of mother nature!
The park is cool
But it is not a gentrified place at all, there is a lot of garbage, people vacationing there do not take care of what they have.
As for me, it's even dangerous to walk there alone.
There are a lot of teenagers drinking drinks, as well as drunks :/
Well, people who walk fighting dogs without leashes and muzzles🫰🏻
It's a wonderful place. Especially in summer. Shady alleys, a beautiful pond with ducks. Benches, croaking frogs and singing crickets. Snails crawling over paths after the rain. I really like to walk there in the summer
A place with a unique eco-system for the city. You can even meet hares. It's nice to walk around the garden, but unfortunately there is a lot of garbage. People rest and don't clean up after themselves. Although there are enough garbage cans.
In autumn, when Apples are spiced, there is a pleasant apple aroma. In spring it is very beautiful when the garden blooms.
It's not a bad place to walk. They put up new benches. A little unkempt, no one cleans much. There are a lot of dogs in the evenings, walking with children is so-so
I like to walk here, reconnect with nature.))) There are benches, there are not enough garbage cans. People are frying kebabs. There is a small pond and two benches near it. There are a lot of apple trees, in autumn you can eat apples directly from the tree.
We love to have a barbecue here, and just walking with a stroller is great. Of course, it would be possible to refine all this and definitely kill the ticks.
It's really cool to spend time here. And by bike, and on foot, and just to fry kebabs. There are a lot of people with children and dogs. In summer, they ride bicycles, in winter - skis and tubing with sleds from the slides.
I 've been there more than once . There is a place equipped specifically for barbecue and gatherings. A large garden, fresh air and a peaceful atmosphere.
A cozy and sometimes deaf park, you can isolate yourself from the hustle and bustle of the city for a short time if you don't have time to get out of the city. There are many shops and places to relax. Beware of ticks in the thick grass in summer.
A great place to relax in the shade of apple trees.There are many paths through your park.You can also fry kebabs in good company) and ride a bike through small hills.And during the flowering of apple trees, great photos are obtained
The garden borders the field from the sunset side, so it is especially pleasant to walk there in the evenings. Low-growing trees give a special atmosphere. The garden is raised, with many wide and narrow paths. In spring, during the flowering of apple trees, it is incredibly beautiful, similar to a Japanese garden, but white.
I GO TO THIS GARDEN ALL THE TIME. Only here you can breathe oxygen and relax from the gas pollution of the air by automobile exhaust (vehicles in the garden area move in 4 different directions)
Being in the garden reduces
the fatigue of the nervous system of residents from electromagnetic fields in our apartments due to incorrect power supply circuits of residential and
public buildings.
It's a nice garden, but it's not safe to walk there with children.There are a lot of big dogs that run in packs without muzzles and leashes.It's also a good recreation area.
A beautiful place for walking. There are no urns, sidewalks, lanterns and benches.
Good vivid impressions. Apart from birds, no animals were seen. A lot of fallen trees
You can take a walk in the summer, people sunbathe, also cook barbecue, not very clean and tidy, no one practically takes care of the place, there are garbage containers, but people do not always apparently pay attention to this and leave garbage where they were sitting
A great romantic place, but only in the evening)
Towards nightfall, drinkers crowd into the park)
There is no lighting, which is a big disadvantage for the park area.
The place to relax is beautiful, the nature is amazing. But many fans of barbecue and fishing forget to clean up the garbage after themselves. Take care of what you have.