The location is convenient. Near the railway and car station. The choice of goods is good, there is everything you need. The staff is polite. The quality of the goods is without complaints.
There is not a large mini market in the station area polite cashiers a good range of goods always fresh pastries delicious the goods are not expired fresh
The Yantar store, from the store at home series, has repeatedly encountered delays, the assortment seems to be not small for such a store, but in fact there is nothing to choose.
A disgusting store with terrible service, overpriced prices and rotten products. I am very interested in how the staff was selected there. There is no service from the word at all. Customer orientation is below the baseboard.
It's a sad place. I think its transformation into a small supermarket was a bad idea. Poor cross-country ability, as a result, the product is stale. You should pay attention to this. On the other hand, there is a good choice of goods compared to shops at home and a good work schedule. Sometimes it helps out.
I've known this store for many years, and I have a job nearby. The store is small, but the range of pastries is good. But the service is TERRIBLE. If there were some who stood out before, now they are all with sour faces, it feels like you are taking on a loan, and they are also commenting. You are greeted with silence in response, only an evil look. The opinion is not only mine. The management will pay attention to this problem.
The store is good. It has everything. Groceries, toiletries, hygiene products, etc. Cooking is also there. The buns are baked by themselves, the eggs are boiled, the chickens are fried. The prices are a little too high. But the good news is that the store is open around the clock.
the amber has deteriorated, I no longer buy food. a lot of stale stuff . I went to yantar since 2016, everything was fine for a couple of years, but now the assortment is small, often old pastries are sold. It's close to home, but I go to the Pyramid.
The service is disgusting that the sellers with a dissatisfied face, that the cashier barked at the grandmother, then scolded the child for the lack of a mask. Although she has a mask on her chin. There is no desire to go to this store. Perhaps the store's management will eliminate these shortcomings.
Some of the staff does not know what is in the store, the service is zero. For some reason, the staff always has a face without a mood, probably they are not happy with the buyer. You can find a burnt match or a cockroach in the baking. The dough on sale is old. I will add on 11/29/20. My son bought he salads there—from old carrots and vinaigrette —with vinegar, which I absolutely cannot. I was too lazy to make salted cabbage, put it fresh and added sourness with vinegar. I'm sorry I threw away the check.
Amber is the place where I will go only out of desperation. The assortment is three-fold, the staff is always sullen and solving some problems of their own. Even driving by and knowing that you need to buy something, somewhere at the subconscious level, you stop. You catch yourself thinking: I'll go into the one next door. A diner. 2×3. Where there are 3 types of sausages.... But then I will not digest the impressions of the sour faces of the Yantarskys.
X from me.... maybe someone likes it.
Previously , there were 2 cash desks and there was less queue , now there is one cash register and the queue is very large, you come to take a meal for lunch and only half of lunch you stand waiting for your turn , then 15 minutes of lunch will remain , after Such a queue I no longer go to amber