One of the worst gardens! They do not deal with children, it is better to think about preparing for school in advance about contributions from another institution, since children are not involved here in terms of preparing for school. The characteristics are written in an offensive moment, be prepared that your child, in their opinion, will become a PO (Inhibited psychological development), they can leave even if your child is 6 years old, and he will go to school at 7 years old, after which, over time, classmates will humiliate him for the late age of going to the first grade. Advice! I didn't even think about sending the child to this kindergarten, otherwise, the kindergarten will be called for quality control of educators, and in a terrible case, the investigative committee, for false assessments in the negative direction.
THE HEAD OF THE KINDERGARTEN, To seize phones from educators who sit in it all day long, and do not deal with children, besides insulting children.
Everything is great there with the tutors and the management. But with windows and raised asphalt, as I remember, nothing has changed there in 30 years, asphalt could have been changed in 30 years.
A kindergarten is like a kindergarten. A very good and responsive head, in general, everyone in the administration is good there. Educators in general, this is a separate song, my children attend the senior and nursery groups. The teacher from the younger, nursery group, my baby, no, no, and will call her mom, on the one hand, though zealously, but on the other, my baby spends, consider, the whole day there, which means the teacher behaves wonderfully towards the children, since they consider her a second mother. They are very kind and friendly. The older group, the older child also has wonderful caregivers, they do their work from the heart, conscientiously, with kindness and concern for children. So far, I have not noticed any negligence or disregard on the part of the teachers, although I am looking very carefully. In general, I can safely recommend it. A nice kindergarten.
Wonderful caregivers and other staff. And the terrible asphalt and terrible windows . And only the higher authorities are to blame for this, for example, as the city.