the kindergarten is generally good...The gaming is wonderful, everything is clean and well maintained...the teachers are kind ...the manager is very good....My child is a graduate this year...I didn't want to break up..God willing, my second child will go there...
my kindergarten is a positive impression. My two eldest children also went there - the impression is twofold. The children liked it and I liked it because it was close to home.
There were extortions (the Board of trustees and not only), even despite the fact that she raised two children alone. The teachers were also like this: one put the children on the bed at a sleepy hour if they were messing around, strictly forbidding them to tell their parents, scaring them with all sorts of things. Fortunately, the child told about it. The hospital was put in place. Let me explain that my child is not spoiled, and the whole group was very good, after they studied in the same class (a strong and kind class, as all the teachers noted).
The second teacher brought the child home before the end of the garden with a split bridge of the nose (the boy pushed, fell and hit the glove compartment) and blood all over his face, and tearfully asked not to report in the garden, because there will be an emergency. The bridge of his nose had to be sewn up. Also, as the child said, it happened during a walk and she wiped the blood with dirty bags. I felt sorry for her. And now I'm thinking, is it worth doing this? It's good that everything ended without any serious health consequences.
The first one is no longer working (age) The second one I think too.
It all depends on the caregivers. We also had other educators: kind, attentive and loving children, we still communicate, even though many years have passed (the children have already graduated from school and are studying at universities).
Therefore, nothing can be allowed to take its course. And do not hesitate to tell the teacher that he is wrong.
I will give the third child to this kindergarten, as it is close. Well, I will control it!)