The enrollment of children in a sanatorium-type preschool education institution is carried out according to the conclusion of the medical advisory commission (VCC).
The entire educational process takes place in cooperation with the medical service based on the concomitant diseases of the pupils. According to the doctor's prescription, children receive massage, heat and light therapy, electrophoresis, quartz tube, inhalations, etc.
Medical and preventive, physical culture and wellness work with the institution's pupils is carried out in the allotted time on the basis of the rehabilitation center UZ "Children's Polyclinic No. 2Mogilev", which occupies the right adjacent part of the institution building.
The phone number of the rehabilitation center is (+375222) 62 62 78
(The Department of Medical Rehabilitation of the Mogilev Children's Polyclinic No. 2 has a separate entrance on the right side of the building and is not a structural unit of the sanatorium nursery garden).
The kindergarten director was the chairman of the precinct election commission in the 2020 elections, falsified the voting results. And the whole commission was made up of her subordinates, all distinguished themselves, well done