Meeting with a breath from the past, this institution, nevertheless, does not repel, but even attracts in some ways.For the workers themselves, the main work task is to maintain and preserve the external and internal appearance until the repair is stretched out in obscurity.As in most cases, this manifests itself in tinting and greasing in the necessary places.The garden itself is located in seclusion from noisy courtyards and roads, there are large trees that fit into this landscape.The big minus is, of course, the footage.Of course, everything is individual, but in most cases, you are faced with a complete misunderstanding and simply catastrophic indifference.Children coming to kindergarten should have, in their opinion, a remarkable number of skills, and even better, a control panel should be attached to facilitate their work.
Everything is bad, everyone is tired, there is no cure for it, and there is no one to talk about it...
A wonderful garden, a great leader, wonderful teachers, wonderful nannies, you take your child to the garden, and you know that everything will be fine with him!!!
A very weak garden. It's rare. The money has not been invested since the construction, apparently. The fence is in a semi-collapsed state, no one sweeps near this fence. I have never seen such an outrage anywhere. There are no normal teachers. Naturally. Who wants to work in such a mess?! The child didn't want to go there at all. Something like this...
We visited this kindergarten, a lot of greenery around, repairs were made, benches were painted for children, etc., the staff was very well selected, Of course this is not a modern project, but it seems to me that children should first of all be loved and educated, and they still go to the pool