A very nice garden. Excellent educators. Groups for kids. The garden is well equipped with everything necessary. There are many clubs that children are happy to attend.
A kindergarten for employees of the state enterprise "Horizon" is wonderful.
Since Soviet times, it has been famous for the best children's teachers.
The gorgeous location in the center of the Belarusian side in Minsk will not leave indifferent parents!
Welcome to young parents and their kids!
We are happy with the kindergarten. The teachers are good, calm, adequate, the atmosphere in the group does not raise questions - the child is calm.
A huge plus is that it is not established until what time you can bring the child (in state kindergartens you must bring the child before 8.10). This is happiness for both parents and children, and it is good for educators.
Another plus is that if a child is ill, it is not necessary to drag yourself to the clinic and take a certificate that you were ill.
They are constantly raising money for everything - you need to be ready for this. There are questions about mtb. There is a swimming pool, but we did not visit.
Tips for choosing:
Catch the overall mood of the garden, the level and the atmosphere. It will not be possible to choose a tutor directly, they can leave, change.
Talk to the director - the main thing is, of course, the educators, but you will remove a lot of information from him, because he chooses his environment and you can also indirectly judge the level of educators and the garden as a whole. If there is a dictator there, then the general atmosphere in the garden is likely to be tense. If there is a living leader, then the educators will also be more calm.
Watch the teachers while walking with the children in the garden - how they talk, what the children do, how they behave. Most likely, you will not guess who you will get to, but you will see the general level.
Set priorities for yourself - what is important to you. There will always be their + and their -.
Let everything work out the best for your child.