The kindergarten is very good. Both daughters went there, the tutors in the speech therapy group are very sensitive, they try to do everything to make the child talk. The speech therapist of the eldest set all the sounds. In simple groups, the teachers are also excellent. Some are strict, but fair, and the children love them. They treat them like their own children. They scold only for business
The eldest daughter goes to this kindergarten. Everything is very decent and on the level! Due to the advocacy in the speech, they got into the speech therapy group. As a result, they are now advised to go to the gymnasium, because the girl already grasps everything on the fly and has received not only basic knowledge, but also in-depth.
There were no complaints or negative aspects from the educators and management during our stay at DS 66. Professionals in their field!
My wife and I are very happy and plan to send our youngest to this kindergarten.
The Minister of Education obviously does not have time to check where the money is going for renovation and landscaping, and there is no parking at two kindergartens at all❗
Apparently, from Soviet times to the present day, there are no funds for landscaping the territory. Everyone is waiting for the kids' parents to pay for parking...