The Yelna trip with YelnyaTrip is the most dramatic transformational event that has happened to me in recent times. Something that is very difficult to convey in letters of words.
Yelnya is a place where time stops. There is no past, no future. There is the present now. And you just sink into yourself.
I like it when I am careful and with love for what they do, how they do it and for what. I love it when it's beautiful, unconventional, quiet and deep.
The Belarusian jungle, our author's tea, silence, the barely noticeable swaying of the hammock, driving you into a trance state, a whole glade of incredibly delicious cranberries, a pleasant conversation in the evening around the campfire in a circle of cozy people... Now these memories are like bookmarks in a book. I want to return to them.
When I was alone after the trip, I felt like I was quiet. This is a very good silence. It's a feeling that helps you stop, listen, notice, be real, feel, and not create an appearance.
With all due respect to others, but I don't want to share this dear gift with others at all.
And I wish myself to save it and keep it as long as possible.
I will remember these days with great warmth.
YelnyaTrip, see you soon!