It's a great store, but if I had the chance to change, I would add more products because the store, let's say, doesn't have as many products as the same Brand, but the store is great. The biggest plus is the location is located in the city center
I don't know what to write after the shopping cart opened, the store lost its reputation.
Although this place is the hottest spot in Karshi. He has everything you need to eat next to him. They say it closes pitifully. If they had made a sale or discount there, people would have run here like to a Brand.
On the third floor there is a fast food and a playground.
At the entrance on the right there is alcohol-wine and cigarettes.
The parking lot has about 20 cars to fit for free.
Hammasi Zo'r lekin tovorlar joylashuvi haqida o'ylab korishlari kerak. Kasha malasha bo'lib ketgan, kerakli narsani topishga ko'p vaqt ketadi. Bitta misol keltiraman: Idish tovoq yuvish vositasi oxirgi qatorlarda, idish yuvish uchun gubka boshida joylashgan. O'yinchoqlar joyloshuvi ham juda betartib. Qisqasi boshqattan joylashtirish kerak.
Everything will be found. In January, after the new year, the store is half empty. And so the assortment is diverse. There are fast food outlets and children's play areas on the floors above
Not everyone will be found, they do not work according to schedule and to provide a service, but for themselves. I mean the owner who doesn't understand his business. It is necessary to study, to undergo business trainings in Tashkent like a basket
The most convenient thing is that the super market is located in the city center, yes, you can say that some products are expensive here, but I advise you to visit it as a business
It used to be the best supermarket in the city, but recently when I went there I didn't find a liter of Coke. The number of products has decreased significantly
A good supermarket where there is almost everything and at reasonable prices. The only drawback is parking -during the hours of the greatest influx of buyers, it is almost impossible to find a place.
The parking place is convenient, there is less crowding of people. But the prices are too high! You can find it cheaper. I don't really like this market. Those who live next to him may buy out of desperation.