Please tell me what a mess it is always with picking up parcels. I sent my daughter with a passport and she took hers. A child is registered in my passport. The kinship is visible, but there is no need to show off and not give it away. There will be paid days for storage soon, who will pay?
They're charging money for packaging! At first, I didn't understand why she was saying that the packaging didn't fit and needed to be packed, but the third time, when the delivery amount became 7 rubles, I realized that they were taking money off for packing something there, even if the goods were packed normally!!!
It rarely works. It is closed almost all the time. When the queue is open, there is a queue along the entire street. I am very sorry for the people who work there. Or rather, who are being sent there. Their nerves are made of iron. Maybe it makes sense to close this point altogether, since there is no one to work?! And so it turns out that employers use their employees as "cannon fodder"