In addition to the word "disgusting" there is nothing to say: there is not a single seller in the hall; employees' inattention to product expiration dates; when calculating at the checkout, employees often pretend that they do not hear the phrase "Write off bonuses" - it seems that their salary depends on these bonuses... And most importantly, the sphere of protection: how can you allow a man who spends money right in the store to follow you around?.. Telling employees about this and asking them to call security, they do not react and say that everyone is already tired of him. But I can say that I visited the store the other day and was pleasantly surprised:The display case was replaced and the product planogram was changed. I am very glad that there have been personnel changes.
The 20 kg package arrived quickly. The queue is uncritical - 2-3 people.
Minus a star for the dissatisfied appearance of an employee, it says "I don't like my job" right on his face.