05.07.2024 I received a parcel, they required a QR code from my personal account on the site, but there is only an identification number on the site, the code is sent to Viber. As a result, I found this code in which there were numbers at the bottom as in my personal account, which the employee typed in from the keyboard. Why it was necessary to spend my time searching for a QR code, I still did not understand.
It is now 14.06 07.05 I have come for a package . work schedule without lunch on weekdays .
So there were two employees at the checkout
I went up to the girl , a woman was paying off in front of me and leaving . I show her my passport , and she says that she has lunch and leaves. There was no sign or anything else on the cash register . The question is, what kind of lunch are we talking about? It should be written , not verbally , which does not carry any information .