The Evolution program, my son is 10 years old, I was looking for a program to develop communication skills, the ability to defend a position, I found it, I was inspired by the reviews... But, in fact, out of 7 students, 6 are extremely outraged... Be prepared for the fact that everything is held in a stuffy room from 10 to 18. They write about 24 skills, maybe with a stretch of 2, no one writes about what will take place and how, incomprehensible informal meetings that you will learn about in 1-2 days, graduation as promised, no one was going to do, before until the parents began to be outraged, by the way, the date was also reported so among other things, Mark did not come out to talk, although in the group, but was given a supposedly bonus graduation at the camp... And it's also interesting, we came to a trial session for 1.5 hours, but it turned out that this was already a program, of course no one returned the difference to us, as if it were supposed to be. The program is absolutely not worth the money. I strongly advise against any parent. By the way, the salesmen did well, but I had to knock out a contract.