I would like to express my gratitude to the excellent specialist Zlata Igorevna Filosof. She helped me find the best solution to my situation by explaining all the nuances of my particular problem. Clearly, competently and promptly - in just a couple of hours my problem was solved.
The case when you see the perfect job, plus the most wonderful attitude towards the client.
Thank you very much, I recommend it without a single doubt, in my case, of course, to Zlata Igorevna! 💛
I applied to UniCredit more than once, I stayed quite, And especially I want to thank Stanchik Polina Vadimovna, a good specialist solved my request perfectly, everything was solved well, Well done.
I applied to UniCredit for the first time.A customer service specialist, Stanchik Polina Vadimovna, reacted quickly to my appeal and helped me choose the right bank.The required amount was on time in my hands.I recommend it, it was a pleasure to cooperate.