Сыр бри, козий сыр, Сыр Джюгас, ростбиф с луковым мармеладом, кунжутные палочки, профитроли с паштетом, брускетта с печеным кабачком, брускетта с креветками и вяленым томатом, хамон cоус "Песто"
43 Br380 g
Салат "Греческий"
Томат, салат, перец, огурец, оливки, сыр фета, маслины, зелень, красный лук.
19 Br310 g
Салат с креветками и сыром бри
Обжаренные тигровые креветки на подушке из салатного микса с рукколой подаются с виноградом, карамелизированным грецким орехом и сыром бри с мятной заправкой.
28 Br175 g
Салат "Нисуаз" с яйцом пашот
Обжаренное филе тунца на подушке из овощей с яйцом пашот
28 Br360 g
Теплый салат с ростбифом
Нежный ростбиф из говядины в тандеме с баклажанами и грибами в соусе от шефа на основе бренди.
An author's art space, as if for like-minded people with creative serving of dishes, partly even Gourmet... Delicious. Satisfying. Nice staff. It should be a little cramped with a full landing, but it probably doesn't happen at all. All this pleasure is created on the site of a factory canteen with panoramic windows to a faceless parking lot, which immediately simplifies the establishment and sharply reduces the rating to the level of a solid four.
The location of the restaurant is behind the MKAD, not far away, but still it is inconvenient to get there. It's pretty cozy inside, live music. The view from the windows is not very picturesque. The polite staff tries to make the stay in the restaurant as comfortable as possible. Personally, it seemed a little weak to me, I ate steak with boroviki, ribs, various snacks and three different desserts. In general, you can have a good time.
Great place! The couple celebrated their birthday together. The food is delicious, the service and the serving are excellent. The interior is super, quiet and peaceful. Probably not the most budget-friendly place, but it's worth a visit. It is located near the Moscow Ring Road in the business center. Plus - close to the city, minus - a lot of cars nearby, there is no "forest and lake". Who likes what)